Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Its beautiful!

Well its beautiful out and we are out enjoying it now that we aren't sick anymore. We had an awful Spring Break. Kristina only got a tiny bit sick but her whole Spring Break sucked because Brandon was so ill. He had bronchitis and to go with that he had really really high fevers and a bad couch. He was mostly really tired and slept a lot. He would wake up from a 3 hour nap and then come out crying and I would cuddle him and he would pitch a fit and walk back to his room, slam the door and crawl back into bed. It was so sad.

Hes much better now though other than couching when its cold outside and he gets a breath of the cold air. Kristina and I managed to get a bunch of baking done though and that was fun. She sure ha grown up. She is really a good help, not an annoying get it the way kind of help either. We did up a ton of baking for Kris and he is loving it.

I have started knitting and am loving it. I made Kristina a hat so far that I am going to finish tonight at knitting club. I know, knitting club, really! The woman who owns the yarn store in town puts it on at one of the local coffee shops and we all just go and knit together and there is help there if you need it. I am hoping they can show me how to finish off this hat tonight.

Kris is doing great! He is still loving his job, as much as you can love a job, and has been running with his buddy Nick lately. They are up to 3 km during their lunch break. Its awesome. So the baking and the running just need to balance out now. LOL. I am still loving Reitmans, I work with some awesome girls and really don't mind going to work to hang out with them and trying on clothes. Its nice to get a break from the crying and loudness at home but I do miss them while I am at work.

Brandon is slowly but surly talking more and more. He spits out new words now and then and we are surprised but he isn't talking up a storm yet, well of really words anyways! I am sure like with all else it will come when hes good and ready. Same with potty training. He had a bit of a regression with being sick and all. He was only in diapers for a good solid week so its taking a bit to get him back to it but its coming.

Well I am outside so I can't put up any pics but I will add the pic of my hat when its all done, oh and I guess some of the kids too.

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