Thursday, April 30, 2009

No more training wheels!!!

On Tuesday night my mom came over for dinner, she had to bring a few ingredients though as we didn't have any left! Opps! :) We had a nice dinner and then went to show my mom the new ducks and Kristinas new bike, with no training wheels! She wanted me to push her around the driveway to show my mom how she was doing.
I was holding onto her shirt and my mom suggested that I hold onto the seat, smart woman! So we did two laps and then my mom did one. She was doing great but needed to look where she was going and not look down and she would be able to balance better. My mom took her over to the grass to try it on her own, Kristina was so excited! She did really good right off the bat and could go 10 or so feet. It didn't take long for her to pick up on it. Soon she was going from the far corner of the greenhouse, around the garden and over to Grannys garden. It was awesome, I knew she would pick it up fast, but I had no idea how fast.
She was so proud of herself! Nana and I were very proud too! It was great that my mom was here to see her achieve it! It was however to bad that Kris wasn't, he was over visiting Uncle Bruce and Auntie Mickey but he has 137 pics to show it all! Yes this new camera takes a lot of pics and fast!!! She was very cute, she started out showing us where her goal would be, they are learning about goal setting in school, and then achieved it right away and then surpassed it! Way to go baby!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I got to see that. Way to go Kristina!!
Love Nani

Anonymous said...

were is her helmet