Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 2009

Well not to much new in our neck of the woods. Brandon is getting a lot better at communicating with us which is great. He can tell me more, all done, bubba, up, down, mama, dada, and nana. In either words or signs. Its nice to know more of what he needs and wants. Kristina got a hair cut and it looks great, she really likes it, its much easier to maintain and doesn't look like a rats nest within the hour. Brandon burned himself on the wood stove on Monday but didn't even cry when he bumped into it. I didn't think it was that bad but put a cool cloth on it for a while just in case and it was a lot worse than I had originally thought. He seems ok with it though, its not hurting him, its a little tender when I put on the aloe or polysporin though, he just kind of pulls away. I also got Brandons room all finished, finally. He is one now and all. Its no longer purple, its now camo, we love it! So cute! Our new camera is great, Kris is loving it and definitely getting lots of use out of it. It sure makes the kids eyes pop!

1 comment:

Dana said...

PS - thats not purple in the camo its grey!