Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mickey and Adam!!!!

Well I have been a little busy in the yard the last little while getting the property ready for the Slater wedding of the year!! I have however had some complaints about my lack of updating, sorry people! I do my best ;)

Yesterday was Mickey and Adams wedding, only a few days after there 7 year anniversary, does that make sense? I hope so. I was thrilled to be included and loved it, not just because I wasn't sick. Its was so much fun and an honor to be included, even though I did get kicked out of some of the family pictures, hello, I am family now! Quite a few people got sick and ended up puking and pooping all night but thankfully I was good to go. I am sorry that so many people missed out on a great party but you can't fight the flu, you need to sleep.

I have some pictures of the beautiful couple to post and of course I can't not post any of my own gorgeous kids so here they are...........

Best picture of the day right here! Love you Mick!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

love your hair! it looks great!