Thursday, November 25, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews

Wow, I was so unbelievable happy when I left Kristina's school yesterday! She is doing exceptionally well. She is happy, making friends, organized, reading at the right level now, doing amazing in math and interacting well and putting her hand up with answers lots! I am so proud of her and best yet she is soooo proud of herself! She was behind in reading and now is all caught up and doing great! She is also really organized and not in an OCD kind of way, I asked lol. She just makes herself as organized as she needs to be to stay on track and focus on her work without wondering where the eraser is etc.

She is so happy with herself that she is all caught up and doing great! She has been going to a focus reading group with 5 other kids and working with an amazing teacher who has brought them all so far! I am so beyond proud of her!

I don't know if she is doing so well with math because Granny did math with her at a young age and has done it with her ever since. She loves math and is always wanting new math books and wanting to learn more and more. I hope that she will continue to do well with math and continue to want to strive to do better and better.

Well we are off to go shower at Grannys and do some baking and go for lunch with Nana so I am off, I just really wanted to remember this amazing parent teacher interview! I love you baby girl and I am so proud of you!!!